
Showing posts from 2015


Hey hey first post in 2015! Haha, didn't think this little blog would last till such modern times but hey, important histories will never fade *wink*.  Never in my wildest imaginations would I have thought that Jocelyn Chay would come to endure so many life-changing circumstances (both for better and for worse). But I did anyway, and I survived.  And time and again I see the amazing work of God, His grip tight as ever.  The past year has truly been an emotional whirlwind, and in every sense of the word. Even I was amazed by the steady build-up of emotions and issues. I have had my share of regrets, which sometimes I am tempted to think, outweigh the good. But that isn't true, it was my own doing. I was the one that allowed my consciousness to sink. I was the one that threw the life jacket. I was the one that tied weights to my legs in a turbulent ocean. I chose to give up instead of hold on and I really wish I could turn back time; but time is a one way ticke