
Showing posts from August, 2021

Drunk in Memories

*wrote this at my office desk, a day before my Dad's birthday. 3rd March 2020. Feelings of missing a person often come in waves and feel a lot like a hot flush from alcohol. You either take sips and pace yourself out; little occurrences reminding you now and then about the people you miss, the people you hide in your heart.   "How's your mom and dad?", "Name me a figure you respect the most", "Why do you like Mercedes Benz cars?", "Did you just start loving flowers?". "Oh look! It's a Peanuts calender!"   Or, you gulp in the sweet, barely bitter taste of a home-concocted drink and all of a sudden your cheeks radiate heat.   "Tomorrow's my dad's birthday."  It's been 6 birthdays that I've missed spending together. "Do you miss home sometimes?". "Do you prefer living in the States?". "Would  you want to build a life here?"   If you let the feelings linger, they start to s