i sing praises to your name

i just really wanna thank God for speaking to me and assuring me in some stuffs.
He has really been a great comfort during these few days, as well as during my trip.
well, wanna know more, you can always ask me in person.

and i don't know about you guys, but reading back through old entries in my spriritual journal can be a great source of ideas, wisdom, and reminders to me. haha, i might've not really pay attention to what i was journalling at that time, (well, cause sometimes when you do devotion, you can be really tired and unfocused kan), but when reading them back, they really do make sense! ;) some of the unusual ways God works.

anyway, here is a passage in the Bible which was like right on point for me.
*pause* suddenly thought of this wonderful song, God is the Strength of My Heart. it's a great song.=)

ok continue XD.

taken from Isaiah 51. vs 14-16

"The cowering prisoners will soon be set free; for they will not die in their dungeon, nor will they lack bread. For I am the Lord your God, who churns up the sea so that the waves roar-
the Lord Almighty is His name. I have put my words in my mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand- I who set the heavens in place, who laid the foundations of the earth, and who say to Zion, "You are my people."

take from Isaiah 49

vs23 - Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who hope in me will not me disappointed.
vs25 - I will contend with those who contend with you..


*hvent used that in a long time.

so yeah, i got inspired, and i created me first christian song. ;D


So where you're gonna go from here
You've found yourself too lost with no purpose
You see a dead end
Or maybe an impossible roadblock

So where you're gonna go from here
You've found yourself distressed with no direction
You tried, you tried
But you lost a lead to follow

Chorus 1:

Put your hope in the Lord
Entrust all your fears into His hands

He's there to walk you
He's there to hold you
He's there to lead you out
Rescue you

Chorus 2:

He is our strength
He is our hope
He is our refuge

He is our joy
He is our light
He is our God

hope this blesses you. ;)
haha, will record it soon.
oi LEVA! pleasepleasepleaseplease post my videos. XD

ciao peeps;


  1. In Biblical times, God's people used to put up altars of stone to commemorate events i their life where God really worked.

    Now, journals :D
    Flipping back to the pages of my spiritual journals, it never ceases to amaze me how God was so real and at work in my life.

    Oh, and I love the verses!
    Waiting to hear the song ;)

  2. heheh, much lighter than stone altars. yeahh;) but one thing I'm missing out in my journal is the actual events and happenings. i think that's all written in my blog.

    haha thanks;) yep, still in the works, transition abit weird. need a bridge possibly.

  3. and you know what, you're probably the only one using the comment system, which is a good thing.


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