oh SWITZ! Part1

yeap, actually was back yesterday, but you know how terribly lazy a blogger gets once in awhile.
i thought i wouldn't kena jetlag, but yesterday I slept at 1am, today i woke up at 1pm. cun huh. complete 12hours. ;D

so how was switz, people ask,
now, prepare for a series of lists i'm gonna make.

3 countries.
1. France
2. Italy
3. Switzerland

10 days. Many places.

Photo highlights.
1. Mommy made an excellent model, cause most of my best pics have her in it.
2. My hair gave superb cooperation. HAHA. hair can determine the niceness of how a picture of me turns out, so seriously happy my hair looked better than usual. probably the weather?
3. Got to use Kor's old DSLR. *happy*
4. Got different lens to change. ^^
5. *CUN* CAN TAKE PICS IN BLACK&WHITE! ;D *these days i really love b&w pics.
6. I had a shoe series going on during the trip., so witness the attack of the shoes in europe XD

well, the best souvenir i can possibly bring home is the PICTURES. really, the scenery was like awesome! lol, I would've liked to bring back a Gucci bag but hey, XD the pictures are more important. lol, i tell you, all the people on the tour are really rich, almost everyone, except my family, bought like bags and bags of LV, Prada and all the brands lah.

Best people.
1. our tourguide, Kym (who has red hair, lotsa interesting stories to tell, SUPER FUNNY, and is super knowledgeble)
2. the tourmembers. haha, it's really funny listening to their conversations.
3. funny dutch bus driver, Kays. (he's chubby and has a cute dutch accent)

for the scenery and such, i'm waiting to watch my bro's video, yeah he took videos throughout the trip. and yeah, special shoutout to buddy yea, you made my pre-flight sweet and fun.
haha, ever get the feeling you're loved? I did. ;)

Day1 - enjoying the flight all the way to Nice, France. 16 hours i think. thanks to Emirates! yeah, these airline has like all the latest movies, music, teevee shows. *promotepromote*
i watched: Valentines' Day and half of New Moon. *i watched more on the ride home*

Day2- arrival at Nice. the city was lined on one side with a pebble beach where..nudists would sometimes be. haha, when Kym, spotted a nudist on the beach, everybody from the left side of the bus moved to the right. HAHA. eh, we malaysians are not that bad ok!
Kym talked about one of her tours, where the mainland chinese, quote Kym: landed, invaded and conquered Bondi Beach. there are like alot of nude people sunbathing there, so when this Cina people came along, they were so fascinated, they took pictures of these nude people up close, like literally, go, stand just beside and look down on the nude fella, and snap away. LOL. yeap, and they conquered Cannes as well man, they raided the LV store and bought so much of stuff, that LV had to close for that day man! Cina, cina. XD

the bad thing about this trip, is I can't really remember the names of the places. oh snap.
the square in Nice :: a garden in Nice (check out the 50mm lens! swoon..)


Day3 - Cannes & Monte Carlo. yeap, we're in the city of the film festivals. here's a pic of us on the red carpet. reporting LIVE from Cannes ;) *hoyan where are you? let's start our commentary work. XD*

i know, so cute right, in the alleys of Cannes.
^^ some doggie love.

my first bokeh! ohyeah i'm happy.^^
Monte Carlo church

during the whole trip, it was VERY windy in some places.
pic2: "fire in the hole!!"

this was like the perfect moment, and i had the gut feeling to set my settings to b&w.
really ecstatic with this captured beauty.=)
note: i DIDN'T ask them to pose.

ok, so what is this huh u ask. this was kinda funny, apparently, there were french celebs/actors exiting the hotel. and there was a crowd of european people outside waiting to snap their picture. it was a total paparazzi scene. picture this with me: the europeans, even the passerbys, excitedly crowd at the entrance, and are shouting to the celebs to pose for the camera. the malaysians, are standing opposite the hotel, with folded arms, dengan coolnya, trying to make out who these people are. and we are like, 'nah, don't know who are they'. haha, those celebs might have terasa if they knew we didn't really care about their public appearance. some aunty guessed that they were the stars from the Lost series. LOL.

panasguy; more on him later*wink*

Day4 - Milan, Italy. this is my second time to Milan.

this is in the Duomo Plaza which is a beautiful, airy architectural structure, which functions as a mall, that houses all the brands. @_@ i want a GUCCI bag! no wait, i want a Dior ring, and a pair of Salvatore Ferragamos. ^^ i wanted so much to shop in Zara man. ish. haha, there is not enough money in ma pocket, how sad.

how eco friendly, minimal cars, a whole lotta electric powered trains.

i like this. why? it feels so father son-ly. ;) this sight delighted me when i stepped out of United Colours of Benetton. hah, don't worrylah, didn't buy anything XP.

shriek; panasguy again.

now let me end Part 1 with my story on panasguy. ;)

you see, he's a malay fella, whose dad's named mahathir, lives in JB, and is part of our tour group. in my eyes, he's the first really good looking malay dude. sadly, i have no front view pic of him. and he's probably around my age.it's not that i'm interested or what la, for crying out loud, he's muslim. but his family is interesting to me. for one, they're dang rich. mom shopped ALOT.
when they all wear sunglasses, they look...only one word to describe, and that's not even in the english dictionary. YENG. they're a really loving family, and they're like just having so much fun among themselves. (constantly laughing) and yeah, his parents are kinda young. i think he has some mixed blood in his line. they're really fashionable too. he and the brother ah, shuai oh, in bomber jackets. and here comes the perah santan part. XD
throughout the trip he looks at me, i look at him, we look at each other, but for 10 days, (10 days!) we never talked. i think it would be cool to converse with him. but so sad mann! never had the oppurtunity, or the guts, to start a convo. oh well. life's like that.

the best part?
you know, smiles are never forgotten, be it a smile forming on dad's usual straightly aligned mouth (these are just illustrations yeah),or a smile from a SISTA (^^),or a smile from a long time bestfriend, or a smile even, from big brother. these are things you're gonna take a mind photograph of, and make sure the photo doesn't fade, lose it's original vibrance, or become torn and tattered with time. you're gonna want to keep it in the best condition, in your mind.
:: haha, i can go on and on ::

anyway, yeah, first time round in Milan, i was smiling at something else but as i turned back, still smiling, i caught he's eye. and LOL, make it as if I'm smiling at him lah!
so, during the long flight home on the last day, we were collecting baggage in KLIA, and he's family had already went ahead, they had to catch the connecting flight. so i thought, what a goodbye, no chance to smile also. then there was a baggage delay, and seriously, haha, praise God, he's family is to be found again. my family rounded up all our baggage and went off. once again, an uneventful goodbye. and again, my family stopped to queue for a taxi. then you know what, his family comes round, and passes by.

he did the same thing as i did. he was probably laughing at something with his brother, then just as he walked out, he turned back, still holding the smile, at me. =)

a smile is never forgotten. a smile is never forgotten. a smile is never forgotten.
what with one that involves braces. ;D


  1. Hey woman! How can you come to France without visiting me?? =(

  2. hey SHUESHUE...;)))) ala, i forgotten.. hahahaha, wait u studying in Paris what no meh? i only went to Nice and Cannes le.

  3. Fuish! I haven't even been there yet! Wait! Next Spring! =)

    I'm now in La Rochelle. But after the holidays I'll be shifting to Toulouse! =D


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