I'm back and going.

I'm BACK from the youth retreat.
It seriously ROCKED.
Unlike the previous retreat we had, 
majority of the time we PLAYED AND HAD FUN^^
yeah, the were some downs- like some people got injured *hahahXD*
and even saddened. But nonetheless, 
we all bonded and now, our friendships with each other are stronger than ever.
It's especially cool to really get to know people like Andrea, Kevin, Luanne and Lynelle whom previously were not close to us.

Among the highlights and killer moments of the retreat were the
time we drove all the way from PD to KL to witness Lemuel's graduation.
and were late by the time we got there..^^ XD

and the Go-kart time,
where Sarah couldn't speed because of her go-kart, hahah..
or not she would have damaged the track with her super fast driving =)

and the obstacle course,
where me and Rachel completed almost everything. yeah!
and where Jonas {almost} lost his shoe in thick mud.

and the treasure hunt,
which started out in a super chi gek manner,
but came to an abrupt end because ...zzz
and it was a disappointment to the planning commitee.
Including me. well, I'm not that mad..but...we did do and prepare and sacrifice alot. so...aiyah...nth.

and the workshop and worship sessions,
where everyone went super hyper
and worshiped the Lord joyfully
*yeah! I am a friend of God! heyheyhey!*
that was how hyper.

and the game and fellowship sessions,
we really chitchatted and played together like nobody's business.

and the beach and hermit crab finding sessions,
one word- SYIOK.

and well, everything ROCKED!

sorry no pics at the moment, but I enjoyed it alot.
especially the times when I got to talk to me friends^^

okay, I won't be updating in a week.
I'm OFF~

p.s. I L.O.V.E going to KLIA. hahah


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