the interesting-ness continues


I JUST FINISHED ECLIPSE. =) and I can't wait for Breaking Dawn. yesyes, I know, I'm deaadddd slow. hehe.
ANYWAY, this will be a picture filled post.

just for kicks, HAHAH, WATCH THIS IR VIN!!

lol. brutherly love.

ANYWAY, this wednesday I'll be going to school together with Sophia to pick out the colours we're gonna paint the CF room. haha, yes, I'm excited to make our CF ROOM less, over-white, and more lively. ^^ ms.Goh will be there and we will be BOSS for the day, HAHAH, ordering what colours we want. I'm picking a salmon colour, if you can imagine. and we're possible painting batik-ish flowers.
after that, Sophia will come over. and I'll ask with pleading eyes from my brother for his PS3 and for the Ponyo On The Cliff DVD. It's been a loooooong time since I've ever played his ps. and I miss Katamari Damaci SOO MUCH. ^^ and we're possibly watching Bride Wars, thanks Yuga, or is it Leva?

*we were all at a treasurehunt, Leva's uncle's company organized it for Hartamas Rendah School. Yeap, we're all wearing yellow, and we all got paid RM40. ;)*

==" and Sophia was scared that there would be nothing to do.

so yeah, this is when you bring a camera to school. okay, bear in mind, we're not trying to disgrace the school or sth, but haha, the form 3 prefects are in charge of next year's f1 orientation, and we're doing videos on what NOT TO DO in st.mary. so, that's why we look macam gangster. XD

pictures CREDITED TO KAVINA, and me.

meet Mira and well, umm, OPIUM. HAHAHXD
i knowwwww, Manjot looks seriously yeng mann. I love it when her hair's like that.

unbelievable ritee?? haha..
LOOK AT SHOBANA, 1st time^^
Pn. Yang's teaching us to how to look like a gangster.

yeap, rockout!
only kavi declined the offer to be gangster and NOT follow school rules for a day. XD
she COULDN'T TAHAN, how noble of her.=)
*i'm exaggerating on that last sentence* ^^

besides those pics;

she looks good in the first, and me in the second. LOL.
haha, me and anis wanted to take more, quite dissatisfied la, but it was after recess,
and after that I had to do duty, etc.etc.

have you taken the time to take in the beauty of this part of our school?
everytime when I happen to have morningduty stopping girls near the counsellingroom,
I would just occupy myself my looking and watching this place. it's really nice actually.
do stop to look.

=) I love bringing my camera to school. It brings out the best moments.
part of my motivation to be schl photog.


post. script.
I feel that our friendship sometimes forces me to hang on tight.
It's wearing me out and I feel a little drained emotionally at times.
BUT, you still bring sunshine to me.
And, I usually choose to hang on to that part.

ciao;) with love.


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