90th post

yup, 90th post alright.
this whole schooling week has been okay, but it was simply great seeing all my Royalites again.^^
weelll, I found myself missing the holidays badly during this whole week.
but every time I felt really bad, like I don't want to study anymore, God would send encouragement along the way.
Be it a SMS, or something in a book, or maybe just some teacher or one of my Royal people.
or even just a little thought from God himself.
HE really cares for each and very one of us. God hates to see us sad. that's a fact.

well, back to school,
sheesh, haven't really got to meet the form 1s yet.
until now, Destiny hasn't seen me...haha..
well, with the new ABC system in place, all each class concerns of is that they get merit and NOT demerit.{aaargh...gt one teguran for my class today}.
well, I currently loving Maths and Science periods,
simply because the teacher's are great^^
Pn.Chan is quick but good. Mr. Chew is funny and interesting, and he's actions are really cute lar..hahaah...LOL
Mr. Chew rocks! haha..

tomorrow I'll be going for the Youth Alpha training.
and excited I really am^^
I think, no, believe, this is gonna be a great year for CF. yeah.
lots of nice things coming up.
well, another part of CF is people.

and so, this coming Friday, the 16th,
CF will be having the first meeting. You, reading this, who is studying in St. Mary is 

on the 16th, a group from YWAM
{youth with a mission}
will be coming, right on down to St. Mary.
They're excited to share what they've got to say with us.
so, you're welcome to come.^^
you reading this.haha.

yeap..remember ar..=)


okay, since its the year of 09,
resolutions and hopes sure got lah.
so here's my list.

1. spend more time with God.
to serve Him genuinely.
spend more time with all the youth at Canaan.=)

yah.PMR. nuff' said.

violin and piano.
hopefully, distinction.
{cannot be lazy anymore! aaahh..must practice..i..must practice}
{just 5 months left.}

4. i hope CF really will be filled with people.yeap.
haha...need to finish that CF shirt.

5. oh gosh..7As pllllleeeeeaaaaseeee..
especially for BM, KH, SEJARAH.

6. i hope i won't keep losing things,
the way i can lose a pen on the first day of school.

7. aha..enjoy 2009 to the MAX.

well, that's it. for this year.
hopefully, I will change from my lazybun ways.


and yes, tomorrow will be somebody's big day^^
the day somebody turns fifteen.^^

Happy Birthday 
to my dear Yuganiya!

doing her job, preparing unimike.=)

well, its tomorrow, but an early wish okay=)

dear Yuga,

for 8 years already I've known you,
we were berlianing together..haha.
all the times from primary to secondary,
from UPSR 
to form 1,
to orientation,
to starting out your media prefect job,
to being the most well known girl in school,
to being well known by the teachers,
to just being downright yeng,

to having many admirers.XD
to problems with seniors,
to POTO,
to stopping Sophia from entering the library,
to being such a geng media prefect,
to this year,
to u talking umm, rated stuff with Queenie,
to the whole youtube and m.d.s drama,
to your bag hugging,
to you hugging a senior.
haha...I think that's alot hor?

dude, keep being yeng and enjoy this 15th bday of yours to the max^^
and, you don't need to worry a thang about PMR Sejarah,
cz your the Sejarah professor.=)
rock on, spongebob'er.


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