todaye: badness and goodness was an eventful day.
I have A rant today.
well...I just don't understand how some St. Marians can be so utterly selfish, spoilt, and..lazy, overly lazy.
even though I am lazy as well, at least I know that certain stuff at school, you have to be more independent to do it yourself.
For example, can't you people move your dang lazy hands to take your own used plates and bowls to the basin.
AND your trash.

there are NO MAIDS IN ST. MARY OK.

have some human sense to lessen the burden of those poor people doing canteen duty.

and when I tell you that someone saw you leaving your used plate there,
don't deny and be a pain in the neck. Denying your actions is just stoopid.
whatever you do, your own God will see ok. like you always learn in agama lessons.

oh well,
all these ppl that leave their dirty plates and bowls to be picked up by imaginary maids, should be taken to a place FILLED with bowls and plates for THEM to pick up. then they will know what's it like.



on a lighter note
today at CF, we had a group of YWAMers over.
{Youth With A Mission}
there was a girl, Naomi from Australia, and Clive from Australia too.
and there was Ben from Singapore and Ben from USA.
they were a group of funny and thoughtful people I can tell you.
During CF, each of them, except Clive shared their own personal story.
This group of people were missionaries traveling around the world.

Ben {USA} 's story especially touched me.
One of his journeys was to Indonesia,
there, in the slum area,
he saw an old man,
who was just lying at the road,
all small, wrinkled and frail.
the man was 20+ kg and he was like 50-60 years old.
the old man had not gone back home for two weeks because he hadn't the strength to walk, and no one had offered to carry him home.
many of the other Indonesians didn't want to help or carry that old man because he was probably dirty and all.
But Ben saw him, saw the need and carried the old man on his back, and he took the old man home.
the old man was finally home after 2 weeks.
just because some 'kuai lo' stopped by to carry him.


and Naomi was really funny in the way she told us of her trip to the Dominician Republic, and how she was a clown for the first time there.

so yes, the YWAMers were a definite blessing to us.
i learnt to :
see the need. do something with your God-given talents.
haha...and ya, always have people to laugh at you when you do something stupid, or not it wouldn't be any fun.-naomi's words.=)

yah, Ben {s'pore} asked us a question.
why some of us wore baju kurung and why others, the pinafore.
and i answered something mumbo jumbo..
i think it was "its our national costume" or sth...haha...

haha...all in all..the YWAMers were really great.
and God bless them in all their missionary trips.

hehe..maybe, I may wanna join YWAM next time=)


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